Friday, July 3, 2009

It's Just One of Them Days..

WARNING: This is one looooooooonnng but very funny and interesting story.

Ever have one of those days where it just seems that EVERYTHING goes wrong and every minute there's a new obstacle in your way to prevent you from doing something (especially something desirable)? Well, making this French Strawberry Pie for our Fourth of July Work Picnic ended up being one of those nights.

I am a procrastinator. I like to do everything last minute. For some reason the best of me shines when I do things last minute and when I am under stress. Don't know why but that's just how I have always been..with school, cooking, everything! So when Monday came I knew that this week was the week to start thinking about what I was going to make.

Monday came and I made a final decision that I would create a French Strawberry Pie for the HOMEMADE Pie Contest (Inspired by my husbands LOVE for strawberries and my co-workers' addiction to strawberry shortcake)so now it was finding a good recipe. I initially wanted to make it vegan, but after numerous searching I came to find that I could make the whole pie vegan except for the Whipped Cream. I couldn't find vegan whipping cream so I figured that the vegan option was out and that I'd have to make it Omni.

Tuesday came and I was still searching for a good recipe....finally at 8 o'clock at night I found a Fresh Strawberry Pie Recipe in my Cooking Light Cookbook..PERFECT!

Then there was Wednesday. I'd have to make the pie tonight with no ifs ands or buts...tonight was the night. Work ended at 5 and we had an hour drive before we were home. I was beginning to stress a tad because I still had to go shopping. I made my list which consisted of just a few food items and a desperate need for several kitchen appliances since we still have yet to fill our kitchen with necessities. My first stop was the new Shoppers. I figured they'd have everything right.....well after almost 45 minutes of searching I found no aluminum pie pans, only 3 packs of extremely expensive, over riped and bruised strawberries and every other ingredient dissatisfyingly existed. So I finally said screw it! I'd go to Wal-Mart and see what they had. As I walked out the door of Shoppers I see that it is pouring down rain..lovely.

I drive right across the street to Wal-Mart and the place is packed with crazy people shopping...for what reason on a Wednesday night I dunno! It's Pouring Down Rain..the Walmart has only one parking space...10 minutes of searching I give up. I Put my foot down and decide I'm going to the old ghetto Giant and if they do not have what I need then I'm done and not making the gosh darn pie.

A few miles down I walk into Giant and begin searching for what I need....2 for $4 on 1 pint of strawberries..sweet got 4 of those; a lemon; an orange; Giant Brand Nilla Wafers (those'll have to do); a cup of organic whipping cream; BOGO on Cooking appliances (THANK GOD!); Pie pans with covers..I'm on a roll. 15 minutes later I check out holding my breath...$29.03..Can I say God is awesome! All under $30; exactly what I promised my husband it would be. Shoppers would've been at least double. I breath a sigh of relief. Head on home. It's already 8:45PM. Great.

The crust needs to be made first so I break up the Nilla Wafers, throw them into my BRAND NEW Kitchen Aid Food Processor, plug it up, and guess what? It doesn't work! Okay so...the Bullet will have to do to at least grind the cookies. I pour the ground wafers into a bowl and begin gradually adding the 1 stick of melted butter while mixing with my hands. I get halfway done with Th butter and realize that the crust is already moist...why when I still have a little more than a quarter cup of melted butter left? I go to my recipe and find it calls for ONLY a 1/4 cup of butter. I accidentally mistaken the box which states 1 stick = 1/2 cup = 1/4 lb of butter. THANK GOD I know how to properly cook always adding things gradually. SO I throw the crust into the oven and start on the filling.

Unfortunately, the strawberries I purchased weren't exactly the freshest cookies on the block, but I had to make do with what I had. The recipe was stating that I needed small strawberries to place at the bottom of my pie. I begin going through each pint of strawberries, washing and hulling and I notice all I have are ginormous I once again begin panicking. The ones I have are extremely large and all bruised up..perfect for a puree but horrible for a fresh strawberry pie. This is going to be an embarrassment, I thought. I search through my bag to find one more pint of strawberries that I had passed by and low and behold there it absolute miracle..a whole pint of small strawberries, most of them crisp and fresh with minimal bruising. Can I tell you God is awesome?

I finish hulling the strawberries that I need and begin chopping up the very ripe ones for my puree. Again, Beth has no potato masher and therefore decides she is going to mash by hand with a fork. I throw them on the stove to boil then into a cheese cloth and large whole strainer (because Beth has no sieve) to drain the juices. Perfecto! The juice goes into a small saucepan with sugar and cornstarch and is heated until boil on top of a Gas Stove....and as most of know a Gas stove is one to watch. Because one moment the liquid is stagnant the next it's boiling over. You know where this going right? Yes I left it unattended for a minute to whip some cream cheese and it began overheating so I had to go through the whole process again! Thank God I had extra strawberries. The next batch turned out perfect. From there I completed the pie by spreading a thin layer of cream cheese at the bottom of the crust, piled on the whole strawberries named poured over the syrup. It was ready to be chilled! I was so happy on how it turned out! It looked great! All I had left to do was whip the hand!

The next morning I awoke and ran downstairs to whip the cream. The pie looked wonderful and had set perfectly. I checked the recipe and noticed that it called for 1/4 cup of whipped cream...what!? Last night I had called Tim to ask how much whipping cream I needed and he quoted 1/4 cup so all I got was the smallest carton they had. All I was thinking was are you kidding me!!? So I prayed that it would be enough, poured the 1/2 cup of whipping cream into the bowl and began whisking away....and whisking..and whisking....and 10 minutes later I finally reached the the thick, airy consistency I had long been waiting for. I added some vanilla and sugar and all of a sudden some chemical reaction occurred taking my pour white, smooth and airy whipping cream to a chunky, brown thick sweetened whipped cream. It looked kind of gross but that was homemade whipped cream! I spread all of it over the strawberry pie and thanked God once more that it was just enough to cover the entire top. Yes more would have been better but what could I do! It was done!

It made to work decently and made it to the pie contest, a little melt since it had been sitting outside for so long....I of course, didn't win but my husband, friends and co-worker loved it and it was the only one completely gone so hey all I needed was the approval of those who inspired me to make it and I'll tell ya I felt pretty proud! Especially after all I went through. My last words....Thank You God! and HAHAH Devil..Now what!?

So if you ever have one of these days, just stay strong, stay passionate and have faith and you WILL pull through!

Oh and by the way...can I tell you that that evening I was cooking in the kitchen and had left that stupid KitchenAid processor out because i was going to clean it and return it. I plugged it in once more to see if it worked and it its brand new! LOL Some things are just meant to remain unexplainable and mysterious....

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Chicken Parmagiana"

The picture speaks for itself. A Boca Chicken Patty, Fried, topped with Mozzarella, covered and steamed until melted. Sided with homemade chunky marinara with onions and garlic and a pinch of oregano. Oh my...yum. I had a serious craving for cheese and this fix cured my craving with flying colors! Thanks "Follow Your Heart" for yummy, melting, vegan cheese! Woo hoo!


I am absolutely addcited to tea.

From the creamy sweetness of Black Tea touched with milk; to the aromatic earthy tones of Green and Oolong; to spiciness of Chai; to the endless possibilities of Herbal Tea....I love tea!!

So when a Co-Worker of mine brought in this cute little tea bag filled with Black Current Tea, my tastebuds were craving to try it; but inside I was debating on whether or not I really wanted to jump in and destroy such a cute little bag. After giving it a days thought and going through a whole entire day catching small wiffs of the strong, sweet and fruity smell the tea was giving off, I decided to dig in.

I allowed the tea bag to brew for 5 minutes; added a splash of milk and sugar and sipped..mmmm...slurp...mmm..gulp....ahhhh It was absolutely delicious! The flavors were sweet and intense and with a splash of milk, oh so creamy. Black Currant has made it to the top of my "Tea Addiction" list.

After brewing, I had placed the tea bag on a saucer and had completely forgotten about it for the rest of the day; at least until I was made aware of it around 11:30 PM that night.

My husband had fallen asleep really early last night so I stayed up trying to get things finalized for my new job on the 6th. Well, once it was time to hit the haystack, I had cozied up into bed and my husband woke up and ran downstairs to get something to drink. When he came back up he looked at me and asked, "What is that plant downstairs?"

I looked at him questionably and asked "What plant are you talking about?"

"There's a plant downstairs sitting on a black plate with a leaf sticking out."

I busted out laughing hysterically! I relaized he was talking about my tea bag. "No, honey, that's my tea bag."

All he could say was "Oh" and went back to bed. I could not stop laughing.

Oh the memories food brings!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What's going on JUNE??

This has been one hectic month. I have been offered a new job position within the company that I currently work for so now I am stressing day and night trying to have my current position organized and cleaned up for the trainee to follow while training and I am just a stressed!! I have once again been slackin' so I figured let me take the time and..R.E.L.A.X.

New Food: Sweet Lemon

Being of Filipino decent it is only natural for my kind to be absolutely addicted to International Markets!! A wide variety of international foods (a ton of vegan options too!) all for me to try out and at a very cheap price. So we were going through the fruits and veggies section and I saw a price ad for Sweet Lemons. I thought okay sweet and sour...that would be awesome tasting!! So I went ahead and picked one up to try. When I finally got around to trying it out (2 weeks later!) I began peeling it like you would a tangerine and instantly caught the aroma of a true lemon..acidic and sour. I thought "Okay so it definitely smells like a Lemon! But what about taste?" I peeled each section apart and took a small bite expecting a large burst of sour with a hint of sugary sweetness...LOL NOT! The flavor was watered down with a mild hint of sweetness with absolutely no, nada, zilch amount of sour pucker..nothing. It was so crazy to smell such a strong cirrus aroma with such a light taste. Not something I would eat regularly but I do recommend it to anyone who love to try new things; It'll send your mind and taste buds in a complete loop!

A throw together done right!
Tofu Cubes, Bell Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms thrown together and stir-fried with garlic and seasoned very lightly with an Asian Beef Barbecue Marinade/Sauce Tim tried and fell in love with at Lote (an international market) and it's actually vegan!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

CousCous Addiction

Once again I had a craving for Cous Cous, but I also had a serious craving for stir-fry. With not a lot of ingredients in my cupboard due to our lack of motivation to go grocery shopping, I whipped up Stir-Fried CousCous with onions, garlic, peppers, carrots, peas and corn with a small dash of tamari and seasoned with salt and pepper.

I'll be honest, I was a little shocked of the ending result. It was very light, but very flavorful. What surprised me the most was the fact that the couscous absorbed the liquid so well. As a pasta, I assumed you would need more of a thick sauce for it to properly cling, but instead I learned that this small grain has great capabilties of absorbing flavor quickly and efficiently.

My meal ended up easy, colorful and a complete craving satisfier. Another craving knocked out!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Filipina Pride!

Birthdays, Birthday and MORE Birthdays! Today my Mom threw a Cook-Out for my sister and brother’s birthdays in which both lie in June. Having a Mom who loves to cook and with Filipino roots leads to a rack full of GREAT tasting foods! And because she is such a loving and supportive mom, that also means lots of yummos for me too! On the Omni menu was Pansit, a noodle dish consisting of sautéed veggies, meat and rice noodles; lumpia or skinny egg rolls as I call them; crabs (eww); rice; Asian BBQ ribs; Menudo; and Sushi. For me, tofu pansit, veggie sushi, pickles and olives….as for dessert, Ginitaang, a sweet rice cake made from coconut milk (Vegan), Cassava Cakes rolled in coconut flakes (Vegan), fried bananas, plantains rolled in sugar then wrapped in rice wrapper (vegan); cherries; and cake. Of course, I enjoyed dessert the most. Can you tell?

Fried Bananas....


Cassava Cakes Rolled in Coconut....

One Filipino delicacy that my Tita also brought along was Balut; a 17-21 day fertilized duck egg, boiled til fully cooked. It is then cracked open on the top in which the juices are first sipped through, then the rest of the egg, yolk and duck are eaten, sometimes with spices and vinegar. It is a very common street food in the Philippines, but as a Vegan..HECK NO! It was detrimental to watch, but that’s their culture and it’s more fun and interesting to see Americans gawk at the site of someone enjoying such a shocking snack. It’s even more fun to convince someone to try one….=-) I’m bad, I know.

And along with Filipino cook outs comes lots of leftovers to take home, an over stuffed belly that can barely breath causing the body to want to go into a deep sleep and a great time to remember. I love being Filipina!! Enjoy my desserts!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Eagting Vegan in AMerica: North Carolina, Last Day

Sunday morning we decided to make the most of our last day in Morehead City, NC. We were very sad for it to be our last day but we were also very excited for at 2 O’Clock we would begin our journey out into the open sea to experience our first ever ocean dive. SCHWEET!!!!

First to the Aquarium where we were able to discover the different creatures that made the beaches of NC their home….where I got to touch and play with the Manta Rays…..from their we learned of Fort Macon; A naturally preserved Fort used in the Civil War that can only be described with one word…..breathtaking…..across from there we discovered a secret passage way that led to an absolutely amazing beach in which you could see miles and miles of nothing but bright sand filled with seashell with every step; colorful kites playfully swaying in the cool breeze and nothing but gorgeous, endless ocean. Now that was life….

After we finished up our last day at Morehead City, we decided to make another stop at California Roll. Tim decided to stick with what he knew was good while I went for always something new and different, this time a Spring Onions, Tofu and Avocado rolled in black and white toasted sesame seeds paired with a Sweet Chili Sauce on the side. As we previously discovered the food was absolutely delicious and Tim’s Black Current Iced Teas was so fresh and to die for. Another meal gone well.

Out to the sea we went and there we discovered a whole new world that lied beneath….the dive was short, rough but absolutely unexplainable with words..only experience could truly describe the experience we had.

Unfortunately, by 7:00PM, it was time to head on home with a quick stop by our friends' home to say goodbye and a stop at subways and Bojangles for a quick bite to eat.

I could say that I was truly satisfied with our short weekend trip to NC. The food was wonderful,, the people were awesome and the experience was unforgettable. =-( I wanna go back!